Thursday, April 11, 2013

Why I Only use All Natural Color & Essential Oils


We absorb up to 60%:

By Ananda Mahony

“We absorb up to 60% of what we apply to our skin” is an often cited factoid but is it actually true? Well I came across this research to show strong evidence that we do in fact absorb quite a bit of what is applied.
For example rates of skin absorption of contaminants in public drinking water were studied by the University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health. The study found that the skin absorbed an average of 64% of the total contaminant dosage. Underarm and gentilia absorb up to 100%:
In another study the face was found to be 2-6x more permeable than other body surfaces such as the torso. And, the underarms and genitalia to be even more permeable. In fact, the underarms and genitalia showed up to a 100% absorption estimate (Kasting, 2005).
The studies showed that absorption rate varies depending on the compound. Some examples include, caffeine, which is absorbed by the skin at 48% while DDT is absorbed at 10%.
Alarmingly fragrance ingredients, showed a 100% absorption rate (Robinson et al, 2000).
So there is basis to this information and in some cases, research implications are worrisome, particularly in regard to phthalates which are found in artificial fragrances.

In any case regardless of actual percentage rates, it makes sense to know the ingredients in products that touch our skin so we know what we are absorbing.  As I am sure you all know my bias, you will understand that I think the obvious choice is to immediately cut out artificial preservatives, fragrances and color compounds that are either suspected or confirmed to be harmful to us.

1 comment:

  1. This is really good info. I try to use organic as much as possible but I need to look into my own makeup and skin products, Thanks for the heads up!
